Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

I am back in the States now and the photo is Aura waiting for a chicken bus with her new sewing machine! She also has all the patterns that we designed and left over fabric to continue working!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In San Antonio the Kaqchikel men actually do most of the weaving.  The fabric that he is weaving is a good example of what is not selling because of the colors. It is called rainbow fabric.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Kaqchikel weavers, men and women, are poverty stricken because their textiles are not selling. Everyone in the San Antonio village is weaving the same products with the same colors, so  there is a lot of competition and no market.  I can't seem to communicate that new designs, new colors will produce more marketing possibilities. 

I am considering leaving a sewing machine with Florinda, but am pretty sure that she will just sell it to get immediate money.   So, I will continue to work with her and see if I can help her family and the Kaqchikel weaving community.
Florinda weaving.
This is a close-up of the belt/band weaving loom. What I have done is shown her a new belt design, pattern and colors that will sell in the States.  We are meeting this Saturday to continue the project.
Last weekend I went to San Antonio Atitlan to research the Kaqchikel weaving process. This is Florinda cooking, on the floor, breakfast for me and her family. I stayed one night with this family to see her work and discuss some weaving projects.  I am trying to teach her new product designs and colors that would sell to foreigners visiting her village.  We will start with my custom projects and see if she continues with similar ideas for marketing!
 Kaqchikel wear is certainly not for me!